Police Records
Requesting a Copy of a Report
To request a copy of an incident or accident report, please allow approximately ten days from the date of occurrence or filing to be made available for copies. Each report is different; some may be made available sooner or later depending on several factors. You can always call or e-mail to find out the status of a report.
Reports will ONLY be released to interested parties and will not be released if part of an active investigation.
Fill out the electronic Report Request Form. The appropriate personnel will be notified, and you will be contacted within five business days for follow-up.
There is a non-refundable reproduction charge of $10 for each report requested. There may be an additional charge for extensive reports and/or photo
attachments to be determined with each request.
Reports WILL NOT be released before payment. This fee generally does not apply to victims of crime and will be determined with each request. Payments can be made by cash or check payable to "The Town of Hampstead".
Monthly Reports
Chief Snyder provides the Mayor and Council with a monthly report at each Town Council Meeting. This report provides the prior month's statistics on traffic safety and enforcement, patrol checks, serious crime, arrests, department training, and community events. A link to each month's report for the past six months can be found below.