Mayor Christopher M. Nevin
Mayor Chris Nevin was first elected Mayor in 1995. During his initial two terms as Hampstead’s chief elected official, he laid the foundation for major projects like the Hampstead Bypass and the renovation of the old Hampstead School. Chris also led the effort to move the Hampstead Police Department from a single room in Town Hall to the historic Wheeler building on Main Street. He worked with the business community to bring back the Christmas Holiday Lights and had town banners installed along Main Street. Behind the scenes he helped craft an Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance, which requires public services to be matched with the demands of new development and a Rental Housing License Ordinance to maintain the upkeep and order of rental properties.
In 2003, Chris chose to run for the Town Council. His primary oversight responsibilities were the Town’s finances and the Police Department. When Haven Shoemaker resigned to become the County Commissioner for District 2 in November 2010, Chris returned to his “old job” as Mayor. He was then re-elected to the Mayor's seat in 2011, 2015, 2019, and 2023. During these four terms he has guided the planning and replacement of the Water Main on Main Street which dated back to 1935. Learning from other recently completed Main Street projects, the Town elected to complete the Water Main Replacement prior to Main Street Revitalization in order to maintain control of it and save approximately $1 million. After the Water Main Project was finished, planning was completed with the State for the long overdue Main Street Revitalization Project. That project involved installing stormwater management under the road, upgrading gas lines and providing new sidewalks, gutters and lights. With the completion of this project, the Town has taken ownership of Main Street with full modernization under the surface while providing old time charm above ground. Most recently, Chris was involved in working with the American Legion in the placing of military banners along Main Street during the summer season.
In addition to his duties in Hampstead, Chris has served as a Maryland Municipal League (MML) Board Member representing Carroll County’s Municipalities from 2005 – 2015 and again from 2018 - 2024. MML is a voluntary, nonprofit association representing the state’s city and town governments. Through MML, he was involved in lobbying the Legislature to restore funding for road maintenance and law enforcement. He also served on the Executive Committee to the Board and Convention Planning and Legislative Committees for multiple annual terms during those times.
In his full-time job, he is a Senior Vice President and Regional Manager in the Investment Real Estate Group of First National Bank where he is responsible for directing the Bank’s Real Estate Finance activities for the Mid-Atlantic Region. He graduated from Loyola College with a degree in Accounting. Chris and his wife Joyce, a Registered Nurse, have lived in Hampstead since 1989. They have four children: Colleen, Kelly, Laura and Sean, who have all graduated from college. They also have four grandchildren, Vera and Oren by Kelly and her husband Brian, and Hank, Lucy, and Frank by Laura and her husband Henry. Chris has been active in the North Carroll Recreation Council where he volunteered as a basketball coach for a number of years as his children moved through the program. He also served as President of the Carroll County Boys Travel Basketball League during the time Sean participated in the league. He now referees North Carroll Rec Council games.
Chris has consistently stated that decisions are made based on the long-term best interests of Hampstead. These decisions have provided a highly regarded Police Department, an upgraded water system, new infrastructure along and under Main Street and park improvements. As a result, Hampstead is annually recognized as one of the safest towns to live and best places to raise children in Maryland.
His term as Mayor expires in May 2027.